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Getting Your First Driving License ...

So, you meet a minimum age requirements of 14 to 16 years of age - depending on your state law - and have your parents/gardians permission to get your first drivers permit. You are curious - what should you do next?

Just follow the yellow brick road below and join the mega-million club of proud American drivers!

  1. Choose Driving School which is right for you.
  2. Complete the Driver's Education Course with that school.
  3. Enroll in Behind-The-Wheel Training.
  4. Pass DMV Permit Exam.
  5. Complete Behind-The-Wheel Training.
  6. Pass DMV Road Test.
  7. Get your precious license and be a safe driver!

Step 1 - Choose a Driving School Which Is Right for You.

Choosing the driving school which is right for you might be the most important first step in your endevour to get licensed. When electing your school try to address the following questions:
  • What audience your school of interest basicly targets?
  • Do they have special programs for first-timers and teen-drivers?
  • Do they provide in-classroom training and training over internet?
For detailed How-To Tips when choosing your best driving school read a Choosing a Driving School Which Is Right For You page at

Step 2 - Complete the Driver's Education Course with your school.

Register and complete all required courses in your school to get DMV Certificate of Completion from the school. You will need this Certificate to get to the next step.

Step 3 - Enroll in Behind-The-Wheel Training.

Once you get your DMV Certificate of Completion you would need to enroll in Behind-The-Wheel Training program. You will need to show your enrollment certificate before you can schedule any written test in Department of Licensing.

Step 4 - Pass DMV Permit Exam.

Obtain and study a driver handbook - get a copy from your state DMV/DOL or study it free online in our Driving Tutorials page. Test your tutorial-based knowledge thoroughly before proceeding further. We recommend you to test yourself online - for example, use this, first in the country free multi-language driver license training channel at web site - English, Spanish, Portuguese, Turkish, Russian and Japanese languages supported. That training channel replicates real exam in DMV and would help you a lot to test and polish your knowledge before making a paid attempt in your state's DMV/DOL.
Once you feel prepared - make an appointment in your DMV/DOL office and pass the written exam. You can do it !

Step 5 - Complete Behind-The-Wheel Training.

Once you pass official knowledge test in DMV/DOL you can take a behind-the-wheel training. The number of training hours required in this step varies from state to state, so make sure to check your local DMV/DOL web site for up-to-date requirements or visit Driver Permit Law by State page to get all states at ones. Be prepared to have 30 - 50 hr of behind-the-wheel traing with at least 10 hours at evening time.

Step 6 - Pass DMV Road Test.

Once you get strong feeling that you drive reasonably well to pass the practical driving test make an appointment in DMV/DOL. You are very close to your goal now!

Step 7 - Get your precious license and be a safe driver!

Congratulations !!! You have successfully completed all steps !!! Driving is enjoyable experience. Enjoy and be a safe driver!

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